Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Author: Laura Peyton Roberts

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Publication Year: 2010

Most of the readers will be: Late elementary and middle school girls.

Reader's Advisory: For another book about leprechauns try Linda Joy Singleton's Shamrocked!

Lilybet Green comes home on her thirteenth birthday to an exploding package. While trying to figure out what has happened she is kidnapped by leprechauns. She learns that she has leprechaun blood and they want her to be their new "Keeper." Her grandmother, Gigi, was their previous keeper and since she died they haven't had one. Lilybet needs to pass three tests to become Keeper and at first she isn't too motivated to help the leprechauns out. But she learns that if she fails they will erase everything about themselves from her memory, including Gigi, since she was one of them. Lil agrees to take on the tests only to discover that they are more difficult than usual. Does someone want her to fail?

My favorite passage:
"It's getting too dark!" I whined. I hated being so wimpy, but we'd been hiking a couple of hours, and the sun had gone all the way down. Not only that, but Cain walked ridiculously fast for such a short guy. I could barely keep up with him, stumbling over rocks and roots in the dark. "When are we going to stop?"
"Top o' this ridge ought to do it. And by all means, lass, keep to thrashing about like a wounded elephant. Every creature for ten leagues knows we're out here now."
A low-hanging branch slapped me in the face. Shrieking, I flailed through its foliage until I realized I wasn't actually under attack.
"You can take a thing too far," Cain said dryly.
"I can't see! I have to light one of my candles."
"It'll just blow out, won't it? That is, if you don't set the whole woods alight. The moon will be out soon enough.
"How does that help me? I'm going to break a leg now."
Cain exhaled impatiently somewhere near my knees. "How do humans get through a day?"
"Mostly in daylight," I retorted.
The woods went totally silent. Of all the times to think of a comeback! I berated myself, horrified. If he gets mad and abandons me here...
And then a hearty laugh boomed out of the darkness. "In daylight, indeed! Well parried, lass. (pg 93-94)

What I really think:
This is a cute quest-type story with a very reluctant heroine. It addresses some issues like fitting in and communication with parents. However these issues come up more at home and most of the story takes place with the leprechauns. While she is with the leprechauns, Lilybet does grow and gain self confidence. She also learns how feel connected to the grandmother she has missed since her death.

Overall I thought the book was fun and an easy read.

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